LifestyleHow to Follow Up After an Interview

How to Follow Up After an Interview


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After a job interview, it is important to follow up with the employer to show your continued interest in the position and to further demonstrate your qualifications. However, many job seekers struggle with the best approach to follow-up without appearing too pushy or desperate. In this article, we will discuss some tips and strategies for following up after an interview that will help you stand out from other candidates and increase your chances of landing the job.

Why Follow Up After an Interview?

Following up after an interview shows your interest and enthusiasm for the job. It also provides an opportunity to reinforce your qualifications and address any concerns or questions that may have arisen during the interview. Additionally, it sets you apart from other candidates who may not have followed up, giving you a competitive advantage.

When to Follow Up After an Interview

It is important to follow up in a timely manner without being too pushy. A good rule of thumb is to send a thank you note within 24 hours of the interview, and then follow up again after a week or two if you have not heard back. However, it is always best to ask about the timeline for the hiring process during the interview, as this will give you a better idea of when to follow up.

How to Follow Up After an Interview

There are several ways to follow up after an interview, including:

Send a Thank You Note

Sending a thank you note is a simple but effective way to follow up after an interview. In the note, express your appreciation for the opportunity to interview and reiterate your interest in the position. You can also use the note to address any questions or concerns that may have come up during the interview.

Mention Something Specific from the Interview

Referencing something specific from the interview in your follow-up can help to personalize the message and make it more memorable. For example, if the interviewer mentioned a particular project that you found interesting, you could follow up by mentioning that project and expressing your excitement about the possibility of working on it.

Inquire About the Hiring Timeline

Asking about the hiring timeline is a good way to follow up without being pushy. This shows that you are interested in the position and that you respect the employer’s timeline. It also gives you an idea of when you can expect to hear back.

Ask for Next Steps

Asking about next steps is another way to follow up while demonstrating your interest in the position. This could include asking about a second interview, additional paperwork, or any other steps in the hiring process.

Connect on LinkedIn

Connecting with the interviewer or other employees on LinkedIn can help to establish a professional relationship and keep you on the employer’s radar. However, be sure to personalize your message and avoid sending generic or automated messages.

Follow Up Again if Necessary

If you have not heard back after a week or two, it is acceptable to follow up again. However, be sure to frame your message in a way that shows your continued interest in the position without being pushy or demanding.

Mistakes to Avoid When Following Up

While following up after an interview can be beneficial, there are some common mistakes that job seekers should avoid. These include:

  • Being too pushy: It is important to follow up without being too pushy or demanding. This can turn off the employer and hurt your chances of landing the job.
  • Sending generic messages: Avoid sending generic or automated messages when following up. This can come across as insincere and unprofessional.
  • Failing to proofread: Always proofread your follow-up messages for grammar and spelling errors. This demonstrates attention to detail and professionalism.
  • Overdoing it: While it is important to follow up, you do not want to overdo it. This can make you appear desperate or annoying.


Following up after an interview is an important part of the job search process. It shows your interest and enthusiasm for the position and can give you a competitive edge over other candidates. By sending a thank you note, mentioning something specific from the interview, inquiring about the hiring timeline, asking for next steps, connecting on LinkedIn, and following up again if necessary, you can effectively follow up without appearing too pushy or desperate. Avoiding common mistakes such as being too pushy, sending generic messages, failing to proofread, and overdoing it can also improve your chances of landing the job.


How soon after an interview should I follow up?

It is best to send a thank you note within 24 hours of the interview, and then follow up again after a week or two if you have not heard back.

What should I include in my thank you note?

Your thank you note should express your appreciation for the opportunity to interview, reiterate your interest in the position, and address any questions or concerns that may have come up during the interview.

How can I avoid appearing too pushy when following up?

Avoid being too demanding or aggressive in your follow-up messages. Instead, frame your message in a way that shows your continued interest in the position without being pushy.

Is it okay to follow up more than once?

It is acceptable to follow up again if you have not heard back after a week or two. However, be sure to frame your message in a way that shows your continued interest in the position without being pushy or demanding.

Should I connect with the interviewer on LinkedIn?

Connecting with the interviewer or other employees on LinkedIn can help to establish a professional relationship and keep you on the employer’s radar. However, be sure to personalize your message and avoid sending generic or automated messages.

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