LivingThe Best Ways to Organize Your Closet

The Best Ways to Organize Your Closet


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Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the clutter and chaos in your closet? Organizing your closet can seem like a daunting task, but with the right approach, it can become a functional and organized space. In this article, we will guide you through the best ways to organize your closet, from decluttering and sorting to storage solutions and creative hacks.

1. Assess Your Needs and Space

Before you start organizing your closet, take a step back and assess your needs and space. It’s important to determine how much storage space you have, how much clothing and accessories you need to store, and what type of items you have. Assessing your needs and space will help you plan accordingly and choose the right storage solutions.

If you have a small closet, you may need to be more creative with your storage solutions. If you have a larger closet, you may have more options for organizing your clothing and accessories. Consider what types of storage solutions will work best for your needs, such as shelves, hanging organizers, or shoe racks.

2. Declutter Your Closet

The first step in organizing your closet is to declutter. Go through your clothes, shoes, and accessories and get rid of anything you haven’t worn in the past year or that no longer fits. Decluttering will help you create more space in your closet and make it easier to see what you have.

To declutter effectively, start by taking everything out of your closet. This will help you see how much you have and make it easier to sort through your clothing and accessories. As you go through your items, create piles for items to keep, items to donate or sell, and items to throw away.

Once you have decluttered your closet, you may want to consider creating a capsule wardrobe. A capsule wardrobe is a collection of essential clothing items that can be mixed and matched to create different outfits. This can help you streamline your wardrobe and make it easier to get dressed in the morning.

3. Sort Your Clothes

After decluttering, it’s time to sort your clothes. Separate them into categories such as work clothes, casual clothes, and formal wear. Within each category, organize items by color or type. This will make it easier to find what you need and help you see what you have so you don’t buy duplicates.

As you sort your clothes, you may want to consider using a closet app to keep track of what you own. A closet app allows you to take pictures of your clothing and accessories and categorize them by type, color, and occasion. This can help you keep track of what you own and make it easier to get dressed in the morning.

4. Invest in Storage Solutions

To maximize your closet space, invest in storage solutions such as hanging organizers, shelves, and hooks. Use a shoe rack or hanging organizer for shoes, and add shelves or hanging organizers for folded clothes or accessories. Use hooks for belts, scarves, and bags.

If you have a small closet, you may want to consider using vertical storage solutions to make the most of your space. Use cascading hangers or invest in a closet doubler rod to double your hanging space. You can also use over-the-door organizers for shoes, hats, and accessories, or install a hanging organizer on the back of your closet door.

5. Use Creative Hacks

There are plenty of creative hacks you can use to make the most of your closet space. For example, use shower rings to organize scarves or tank tops on a hanger, or use an old wine rack to store your shoes. You can also repurpose household items to create DIY storage solutions, such as using a tension rod to create a hanging scarf rack or using a file holder to store purses and clutches.

Another creative hack is to use the space under your clothes. Place a small dresser or storage bin under your hanging clothes to store folded items or shoes. You can also use a hanging organizer with pockets to store jewelry or small accessories.

6. Maintain Your Closet

Organizing your closet is not a one-time task. To keep your closet organized, you need to maintain it regularly. Make it a habit to put away clothes and accessories as soon as you are done using them. Do a quick decluttering session every few months to get rid of anything you no longer need.

You can also consider seasonal closet cleanouts. At the end of each season, go through your clothes and accessories and determine what you want to keep, donate, or sell. This can help you stay on top of your wardrobe and prevent clutter from building up.


Organizing your closet may seem like a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. By assessing your needs and space, decluttering, sorting, investing in storage solutions, using creative hacks, and maintaining your closet regularly, you can create a functional and organized space that makes getting dressed a breeze.


How often should I declutter my closet?

It’s recommended to declutter your closet every 6-12 months to prevent clutter from building up.

What’s a capsule wardrobe?

A capsule wardrobe is a collection of essential clothing items that can be mixed and matched to create different outfits.

How can I make the most of a small closet space?

Invest in vertical storage solutions, use hooks and hanging organizers, and utilize the space under your clothes.

How can I keep track of what’s in my closet?

Consider using a closet app to take pictures and categorize your clothing and accessories.

What should I do with clothes I no longer need?

Donate, sell, or recycle clothes you no longer need to prevent clutter and waste.

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